Tuesday, April 9, 2019

#58 Art Schult

Art Schult is another one of those interesting guys that not many remember. He was a college educated, NYC area athlete who played semi-pro ball in high school as a teen and in college summer leagues while enrolled at Georgetown University.

Drafted by the Yankees, he put together some solid minor league numbers but had his career interrupted by Uncle Sam and he served in a tank outfit in the Korean War.

His army travails (he was 6' 4" and couldn't fit through this tank's escape hatch), issues with the Yankee brass and nomadic career make for an interesting read. This website has the details and an interview with Schult. Highly recommended.

In the end, he played in about one season's worth of games in the majors spread out over 5 years with four clubs. His son and grandson played minor league and college ball with some success. Shult passed away in 2014 at the age of 86.

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